Many of you may be trying to find new ways to get fit this new year; so why not take a look at our guide to becoming more active at work?

Research has found that those in office based roles spend 77%* of their working day spent sitting down, so we’ve came up with a few ideas to keep you active at work.

Do exercise at your desk

1) The Leg Straightener – Sit slightly forward on your chair and lift one leg at a time about 3 inches from the floor.

Tighten your leg muscles and hold for 5-10 seconds. Relax and repeat two times a day on each leg.

2) Foot Alphabet – If you can, remove your shoes. Sit up straight and with both feet on the floor raise one foot so you can swivel it around freely. With your big toe write the

alphabet and repeat using the other foot.  As you make letters spread and curl your toes. Try this two or three times a day.

3) Stomach Vacuums – Whilst seated, make sure you are sitting tall and relaxed, breathe out and suck your tummy button towards your spine as far as you can and hold it for as long as you can. (The best thing is, no one can see you!)

Take the stairs

If you usually take the lift, take the stairs. You could even introduce a five minute activity break when getting a drink of water by choosing the water cooler further away. Professor of Physical Activity and Population Health at Central Queensland University, Kerry Mummery explains: “Research shows that workplaces that support physical activity improve employee productivity and morale. In addition, a physically active workplace is likely to increase job satisfaction and cut down on absenteeism and stress levels of workers.”

A study in Switzerland found that those who use the stairs regularly have better fitness, less body fat, slimmer waistlines and lower blood pressure. (What’s not to love?)

Stand Up

Sitting down all day not only leads to poor posture but also feeling lethargic. Try to make a concentrated effort to stand when possible. Whether that’s chatting to colleague rather than emailing, talking on the phone or standing in a meeting, it all adds up.

Take a lunchtime stroll

Perhaps one of the easiest ways of becoming more active at work. If you have limited time, you can always take your lunch with you providing it’s not raining – no one likes soggy sandwiches.

A stroll around the block will give you a new sense of life and some much needed fresh air. It will also go towards our recommended 10,000 steps a day.

Change the layout of your desk

If everything is in arms reach then you’re not allowing yourself to be active. Move your filing cabinet so you must walk to get to it. This gives you a stretch and a break from your screen.

Don’t use your swivel chair, get up and move those legs!

*Australian Natural Health Magazine