Our second Success Rally presentation saw Bethany Fovargue give a presentation on ‘Seeking Success’. This is a written rundown of the talk. Take a look at the Success Rally page here!

‘Stop keeping calm and carry on’

Bethany Fovargue : Seeking Success – 13:35

Three and a half years ago Bethany moved into an entry level position at Data interchange. In May of this year, she picked up Multimodal’s Woman of the Year Award. How does somebody achieve so much so quickly? Through a varied profile and an indefatigable spirit, Bethany has proven on innumerable occasions to be of paramount importance to the logistics field, rapidly building an astoundingly successful career. It was the active pursuit of development which guaranteed Bethany’s success; the recognition that there were gaps which needed filling.

In her presentation Bethany spoke of the need of building a personal brand. Finding your unique selling point and understanding how you add value to your business. It outlined the importance of working hard, sacrifice and not being content with the standard, but striving to improve through the collaboration of different specialisations, skills and personalities.

‘Nobody got anything for nothing’

Success is being happy, it’s about not letting yourself be trapped by habit and circumstance. Bethany was beginning a career as a successful teacher but felt unhappy in her role. Rather than stick it out and resent her career (and her past choices), she decided to try something new, even if it meant starting at the bottom. And that she did, in an administrative role. But through the application of her personality and the comprehension of her strengths (and weaknesses) she was able to progress to the position she’s in today.

‘It’s about building a personal brand’

Bethany’s practical advice was based around thinking of yourself as a brand. What message do you want to stand for and how are you going to get it across? To constantly reflect on your own skills, what you’re strengths are and your weaknesses. Bethany cited her own weaknesses as something which should be discarded, in knowledge that they were holding her back whenever they were applied. So, keeping clear of tasks which highlighted her weaknesses and focusing on that which revealed her strengths, were of paramount importance. The most important thing was to find what makes you better over somebody else, how you add value where no-one else can.

‘Start walking the talk. Constantly’

It’s about more than the identification of your strengths, usp and weaknesses. It’s also about their application on a daily basis. Ensure everyone knows the specifics of your brand, even if it means taking risks, or the time out of your personal life to ‘spread the word of you.’ The emphasis of the presentation was on the value specific to you, what you can bring that nobody else can, and maximising that value.

The presentation was a summary of a brilliant career transition, with concrete advice for those who wish to improve and realise their own potential. Each person went away inspired to find the special ingredient they possess which nobody else does. Take a look at the video to see if you can apply the advice and achieve your own success.